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 "When students live out their Christian faith everyday on our campus, lives are impacted and our culture is transformed."



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Opportunities Outside of the Classroom

8th Grade - Washington D.C.

This annual trip has become a highlight for the 8th grade students and enhances their studies in American History. Trip adventures will include visits to the Presidential Memorials, War Memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, the Holocaust Museum, the Bible Museum, George Washington's Mt. Vernon, and many other historic sites.

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8th Grade - Student Retreat

Another annual trip is the 8th grade retreat. This is always a favorite time at the beginning of the school year for students to bond and be spiritually renewed. 

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7th Grade - Florida Keys

Whether your student has been to the Florida Keys or not, this trip is always fun and educational. Trip adventures include snorkeling, water exploration, Everglades touring and swimming with dolphins. Our hope is that students will be able to expand their knowledge about God’s creation while connecting with their Creator in a very real way. We believe it will be a great time of bonding and spiritual growth for our 7th graders, and it will serve to enhance their studies in science.

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6th Grade - Student Retreat

This trip allows our 6th grade students to celebrate their passage to middle school with a unique chance to bond with classmates and engage in group activities under the guidance of our staff.

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4th Grade - St. Augustine, FL

The highlight of 4th grade is to visit St. Augustine as the culminating event to their Florida history study. Students travel to the "oldest city" and enjoy a sightseeing trolley ride, a tour of the Castillo de San Marcos, The Fountain of Youth, and other historical sites.

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