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Preeminence of Christ

Christ is preeminent in all things (Col. 1:15-18). Central to education, then, is training students to explore and express Christ’s preeminence in every area of thought and life.

Partnering with Parents

A biblical view of educating children demands parental involvement. SCS enters into a partnership with parents to achieve success.

No Common Core

SCS is not compelled to follow directives from the government for testing, teaching methodology, or specified curriculum tracks.

Superior Academics

Our curriculum, taught by experienced teachers who love the Lord and love children, delivers great results in K4-8.

Safety and Security

SCS makes extensive investments to ensure that our campus is safe, every child is protected, and the staff is prepared to deal with crisis scenarios.

The Race for Excellence Has No Finish Line

Our Mission

Partnering with families to prepare students to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

"Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts."
Psalm 145: 3-4

Student Services

Helping students become independent learners through a gradual release of responsibility.  


All 4th-8th graders are placed at a level that gives them maximum opportunity for success!


Providing a unique opportunity for students to learn about real-world problems through our STEM Program.

1:1 iPad Program

Enhancing student learning using digital curriculum, collaboration tools, and individualized instruction.
