Duke University Talent Identification Program
Skycrest is proud to participate in the Duke University Talent Identification Program (DukeTIP). Duke TIP is a nonprofit organization that supports academically talented students in grades four through twelve. They offer above-grade-level testing, enrichment resources, year-round learning options, residential summer programs, online courses, and original research to supplement what students receive in school.
Students enroll in talent searches during two key periods: 4th-6th grade and 7th grade. For students who meet eligibility requirements and get recognized, Duke TIP offers exclusive education programs, summer camps, and media. The educational programs are offered throughout the year—in the fall, spring, and summer. Both in-person and online programs are available.
How to Qualify
To be eligible for Duke TIP, students must score in the 95th percentile or higher on qualifying state assessment or have scored at or above 125 on an IQ administration.
If your student has a qualifying score click here to begin the enrollment process.